Labor Law

Labor law governs any organization or companies formal or informal which have at least one employee. Which have recognized the outsourcing employees, medical insurances and accident insurance, safety and health committee. It focuses on domestic workers of private sectors having the policy targeting employment skill development, minimum wage, poverty eradication strategy, industrial policy and national occupational safety and health. Social security scheme programme started in 2023 to end all financial insecurity for the present and uncertainty for the future faced by private sector workers. that aims to support five areas of labor law; old age, pension, medical treatment, health protection, maternity coverage, accidents, disability compensation.

Labor law of Nepal targets to deliver rights, interests and benefits of labors by developing good labor relations and ending all forms of labor exploitation. However Nepal ranked 116th out of 141 countries in co-operation in labor –employer relations Index in year 2020/2021. Social justice is a growing practice in Nepal concerning the medical care, health and safe motherhood, accident and disabilities safety, security of dependent family and old age security. Formation of trade union and practice of Collective bargaining are prevalent in all sectors including private sector and public sector. Labor market is not wide for foreign workers also domestic workers are discouraged to live in Nepal due to insufficient wages. The working poverty rate is 3.4% in 2021 in Nepal.

In Nepal Labor Act, 2017 (2074 AD) primarily regulates overall matters of labor conduct in Nepal. National Occupational Safety and Health Policy 2076 BS, Sexual Harassment at Workplace Prevention Act, 2072 BS (2014 AD), Contributory social security law 2017, Right to employment Act 2018, social security scheme Operating Procedure, 2075, contribution-based social security Rule, 2075, Youth and Small Entrepreneur Self- Employment Fund (Operation) Rules, 2017.

In labor law we practice issues including; 

  • Workplace safety and health standard, 
  • Trade union formation and collective bargaining, 
  • Employment contract, 
  • Social security fund, 
  • Litigation
  • Outsourcing employee and work permit, 
  • Insurance claim, 
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution, 
  • Non-discrimination practice.  

Our services includes:

(i) advising in matters of workplace safety and health standards, safety and Health Committee,

(ii) drafting and Review Employment By-laws, directives, labor policy and labor standards, and industrial collective bargaining agreements

(iii) compliance to labor regulations,

(iv) consulting and assistances in formation of trade unions and collective bargaining,

(vi) advises on matters of social security benefits, outsource employees, gratuity and insurance

(vii) draft and review hiring contract

(viii) Workplace Safety Standard Investigation and negotiation,

(ix) Alternative Dispute Settlement,

(x)representing clients in courts including various courts including labor courts. 

If you have any inquiries please write to us at or contact us at +977-1-590798

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